Sitting here in Starbucks I see through the window our first real snow, blanketing the tables and chairs. I got here early and have eaten my chocolate croissant and finished my bone-warming tall, dry, Flat White. (“Dry” meaning there’s more foam and less drink, so instead of coffee-flavored milk I’ve got a strong expresso taste). This is the way to begin the new year!

However, this isn’t just a new year, it’s a year of freedom, of learning more about walking in who God created me to be. In spite of the fact that last year was had its struggles, it was a great year spiritually. I also learned some things. Instead of feeling rushed with too much to do I learned to flow from one thing to another, the best I can, and to stay calm and peaceful through it (mostly). I fought the battle with “Resistance” and (mostly) won. I’ve learned that the purpose of setting boundaries in my life isn’t about keeping others out but helping me do what is important to me.

A huge boost to my spiritual life this past year was discovering Michael Van Vlymen’s book “Supernatural Transportation.” From there I’ve bought almost all his books. They’re full of experiences and tips on how I can move in the spiritual realm. I highly recommend them but be prepared to be spiritually stretched! He shares his experiences (and others’) of how God is transporting them, in the spiritual realm, to minister all over the world. It’s a new take on the word “missionary.”

Over the years I’ve collected wonderful stories of people who were transported. For example, the man who went on a mission trip to a remote, unreached-with-the-gospel village in Africa. To the group’s surprise they found an established body of Christians already formed, and the villagers kept thanking this man for his last visit that introduced them to Jesus. He repeatedly told them he’d never been there, yet they assured him he had, even to telling him the clothes he’d worn. He was puzzled, until he remembered the vivid dream he’d had five years before, of preaching in a village in Africa.

John Paul Jackson tells of a time when an elderly Hispanic man appeared in his room and prayed for him, and John Paul was healed. When John Paul asked God about it God told him that the man lived in a remote village in South America and had begged God to use him in prayer. God was transporting the man to pray for others.

When I discovered Michael’s book “Supernatural Transportation” I was enthralled. At first I was skeptical because I’m naturally suspicious, but Michael’s book not only rang true and stirred my spirit but I was familiar with and trust many of the people he references in his book. I also enjoyed reading Bruce Allen’s book “Gazing into Glory” and the Praying Medic’s “Traveling in the Spirit Made Simple.” They’ve renewed my excitement over moving in and seeing into the spiritual realm. I’ve also learned from Michael and the Praying Medic’s books on seeing in the spirit. Michael’s books are more fun to read and he gives ample Scripture to support what he teaches. Yet if you’re one who wants to study the Biblical foundation first, then the Praying Medic’s book would be where to start.

This is certainly not an ad for their books but just to talk about how God has blown my mind this year with new insights and stories, and what I’ve learned. Should you read Michael’s books don’t let the fact that he spent long periods of time in prayer discourage you. There’s not a formula for how God uses us. I’ve had a few similiar experiences to Michael’s just during my Jesus time. I’ve heard others say that they’ve begun to move in seeing in the Spirit and transportation without doing it the way Michael does. God doesn’t work by formulas, each relationship is individual. Also, our experiences won’t look exactly like Michael’s or others’ experiences. God customizes what he has for us to our individual relationships, personalities, and to which particular part God has created us for as the body of Christ.

One way I’m different from Michael is that Michael is an evangelist, so his experiences are in ministry, where my passion is to grow closer to Jesus. While I’ve had ministry experiences, most of my spiritual realm experiences are with Jesus, not in ministry. But I’m not Michael. :)

So, what does God have in store for all of us this year? I can’t wait to find out!

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