Bookends & Books


Five-Star Dining: how to avoid a malnourished spirit – Few of us eat for the sole purpose of staying alive, we eat because God has created us to be able to enjoy our food. Likewise, feeding our spirit should also be a pleasure.
Life Questionnaire – How is your life currently working out for you? Here are 12 questions that will show you how satisfied you are with your life.
Building – Have you ever struggled with keeping a new habit or resolution? Here is a 6-page, detailed questionnaire I created that will help you pinpoint your unique thought and work patterns so that you can determine your motivations and needs.
For Writers & Bloggers – I’m often asked how I publish my books or set up a website or write my books, so this is for those of you who are writers yourselves and want to know how I’ve done it. There is plenty of info out there on any of these subjects so I’m focusing on sharing what I use and how I do it. You’ll also find my publishing checklist, which you can customize to your own books.
16 Ways YOU Can Live in the Spiritual Realm – I was once asked a question that intrigued me—“How can I keep focused on God?” After mulling on it for a few weeks I made a list of the things that have impacted me in my daily walk, changing my life, and making my path glow with the joyful Adventure. Learn how you too can joyfully weave in and out of your days with Jesus.


The Door With A Handle: How Holy Spirit Turns Your Imagination into Reality – I had no idea that something as simple as using my imagination would open the door to the spiritual realm. I’ll show you: the marvelous reason to open this door, what the Bible says about it, and the difference between your imagination and the spiritual realm.


The Wild Romancer: Uncovering the Romance Jesus Longs to Lavish on You – The Lover of your soul deeply desires to romance you. Learn what it looks like and how to develop an intimate relationship with your Bridegroom, Jesus. He is calling you into intimacy with Him to taste of a love beyond anything you have ever imagined. Learn what the key is to His inner chambers, and how to use it to enter into the Love story to end all love stories.


The Wild Romancer Journey Guide – A companion volume to The Wild Romancer, this is a 12-week personal guide to your own intimacy with Jesus. For those of you who, after reading The Wild Romancer, wanted me to tell you “how to get this relationship for myself” here it is–The Journey Guide!


Jesus Space: Creating Your Own Portal into the Spiritual Realm – By creating a physical and spiritual place to hang out with Jesus you can learn to not only experience Him using your spiritual senses but you can have amazing adventures in the spiritual realm!



Puzzle Pieces, Fences, & Fortune Cookies: And Other Ways to Live Everyday Life in the Spirit – This is a collection of 30 of my best articles I wrote over a four-year period, now available to everyone. It tells about God’s puzzle pieces and how they show you a picture of how involved he is in your life, how, while we need fences to give structure to life’s chaos, those fences can quickly become a prison, and that you daily write fortune cookies for yourself, which have more power than you can imagine. In this book you’ll learn new ways to experience an everyday walk with Jesus.


How I Fell Into the Spiritual Realm & Decided To Stay – My Jesus-time was so boring even HE didn’t want to show up! It began innocently enough when I decided to add some fun to my Jesus-time, not knowing I would be launched into the spiritual realm in a way I could never have imagined.



How Big Is Your Spiritual House? – Let Holy Spirit open secret doors for you into rooms of your house that you never knew existed. This book will explode you out of your relationship-rut with God and into something more fun than you can imagine. You will learn to see your relationship with God through the lens of your spiritual house. YOU get to determine what rooms you want and when (and how often) you use them.





“A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension.”
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)