Dancing with Jesus

I thought I’d share a journal entry of one of my dancing with Jesus times, just in case you think a relationship with Jesus is super-spiritual.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I planned ahead for tonight (knowing my weakness is that when the time comes I’m too tired), and laid out my iPod, set up my oil-wick bottles and candles, and got everything ready. I was going to have between 9:00 and 10:00 all to myself. The wrench turned out to be Chris’s new job. He started his new job today, getting home about 9 from buying the clothes and shoes he has to have, which have to be washed and ironed by 9:00 tomorrow morning. To make it MORE complicated the shirt is white and the pants black, so they can’t even be washed in one load. So my time with Jesus was in sections as I’d dance and hang out and then run down and switch out laundry, ending with the ironing.

I had a great time anyway. I knew from past experience to go warn both Chris and Terry that I was lighting candles so they wouldn’t come knock on my door and say they smelled smoke and was I burning something. I looked, and lo and behold my office door had a lock, so I locked the door and then I didn’t have to worry about Terry or Chris knocking and then opening the door because I didn’t hear them knock.

Dancing with Jesus to candlelightI danced in my wedding veil because it adds a wonderful romantic element to dancing, and I love the prophetic symbolism of it. Unfortunately I can’t use my real wedding veil as it is long and has a train, but this one I found at Goodwill is a perfect, storybook veil. It kind of spoiled the look to have my iPod hanging around my neck but I had no pockets in my pajama pants. Moreover, my headphones are connected by a metal piece over the top of my head, and try wearing a wedding veil pressed down over that! It doesn’t work, so I put the metal band down behind my head. Still interfered with the veil but hey, life is rarely perfect. Who would think just dancing with Jesus could get so complicated?

In the quiet darkness, with my lamps burning and the candle smelling of gardenias, I had a marvelous time. That is, between taking the veil off and running downstairs to do laundry. My friend Terri had told me about her “taste and see” time she’d had at her house where she talked to a group of women about tasting and seeing how good Jesus is. She had a marvelous idea of having a pot of honey on the table with spoons and then had everyone take a spoonful of honey and eat it, to be a physical statement of our wanting to taste how sweet and wonderful Jesus is. (She actually had some women who refused to eat the honey!)

I thought that was a wonderful idea and put at least TWO spoonfuls of honey in a little container, and while I danced I ate my honey. I would watch it thread down from my spoon to my cup, so beautiful and golden in the candlelight. I’ve never cared much for the taste of honey but tonight as I savored it slowly bit by bit it was so good I was disappointed when it was gone, I think I could have eaten the whole bear full!

What a wonderful time! The only thing was that I was saving my favorite song to end with, but that song always leaves me crying and I didn’t want to really get into it and then have to run downstairs and iron, so I’ve saved that one for another day.

And who cares what we look like or how much real life interferes, Jesus loves to dance with us!


  1. Mary Raynah Cagulada September 1, 2018
    • Brenda September 1, 2018
  2. Angela July 16, 2017
    • Brenda August 22, 2017

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