Writing Retreat

This picture is at a retreat center that my sister Jan and I love to go to on what we like to call our “writing retreats.” Sometimes we get a lot of writing done (like if it’s snowy outside and I’m too cold to go hiking), and other times not so much (like when the air-conditioning broke in our cabin and we spent the day sweltering before changing cabins).

I’m not someone who enjoys having pictures made of myself, so that’s probably going to be the hardest part of writing this blog. Not that they all have to be of me, but I want you to see that I’m just an everyday person like you. I get all involved in my day and don’t take the time I want for being with Jesus. I have this terrible weakness for, once it’s cold and dark, just wanting to run climb into my heated bed and read Facebook and emails on my phone, then work puzzles on my Kindle until I’m sleepy (which is usually pretty fast!). So when I talk about taking the time to be with Jesus I’m also talking to myself.

There are so many “biggies” who are traveling around the world and who have their own ministry and who spend all their time in church meetings or revival meetings as they teach and minister. It’s easy to stay on a “high” with God when you’re with other Christians all the time, but it’s a different life when you work a “normal” job and don’t spend all your time in meetings.

My passion is to tell all you other “commoners” out there that all the “good stuff” (signs, miracles, supernatural lifestyle) is for us too! That’s why I don’t bother hiding that my books are published by Amazon’s CreateSpace (as opposed to creating my own publishing name). That’s why you’ll see on my blog that I use WordPress, when I could pay to get that off so no one knows. I want everyone to see that anyone can do this! So I want to post pictures of my normal life, to let you in on what I’ve learned, what I find difficult, and how I walk this out in “real life.”

I want you to see my struggles and hopes and to know that we’re all “commoners” together and we’re learning that walking in the Spiritual Realm is for us! So feel free to share with me what you’re learning too, that’s why I started this, I want to hear what your walk with Jesus as your Bridegroom looks like.

One Response

  1. Mamuang April 14, 2015

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