Driving down the roadI’m currently driving and drinking my coffee while talking this into my phone, where it is writing it as text. It will then be emailed to myself. No, this is not dangerous, I’m just talking, not looking at my phone. I’m thinking about how if I were killed in a wreck it would be disappointing to never have another Flat White from Starbucks (sorry children, I’m thinking coffee here, not that I don’t love you …).

I know, I know, in heaven it will be ten million times better than what we have here and I can’t even conceive of how good their coffee is, I get that, but on the other hand, drinking coffee here on earth is a physical sensation that, on this side, I feel sorry to lose.

There is a physicality of life here on earth that is different from what we will experience with our spiritual body in heaven, this current life acquired through our five senses. From this point of view, I will miss them. When everything is perfect will I miss a cleansing shower after getting sweaty and dirty? Oh yeah, I won’t be sweaty and dirty. Will I miss putting lotion on dry skin? Nope, because I won’t have physical skin that gets dry and itchy, but I also won’t have the sensation of touch on human skin. That’s the thing, life on earth includes the negative side. God didn’t choose the negative for us (we did) but it does give us the ability to appreciate the positive side of being physical.

LUSH scrubby soapI can hear you now, “You won’t remember these things and you won’t miss them, because life will be so much better,” but just humor me, I’m not there, I’m here. Thinking about it from this point of view makes me want to appreciate how God created us as physical beings. For example, I’m heading to PT right now for my tennis elbow (I don’t play tennis, it’s from lifting five-pound weights to build up my bones) but after the exercises the therapist massages my arm and it feels wonderful. In heaven I won’t be pampering my skin or experiencing how good it feels to put on my pajamas. (I’m now driving eighty so I should pay attention and use my cruise control before I get a ticket. “I’m sorry sir, I was just writing a blog …” There, got cruise control on.)

I know heaven will be wonderful and beyond anything imaginable, but it’s a good lesson to me to make sure that I pay attention to what it’s like to physically live as a human being on earth. God created us with that gift, let’s don’t waste it by not noticing or appreciating it.

Here’s something else I enjoy. Under my desk at home I have two spiky-ball foot massagers and as I sit there I love to roll them around on the bottom of my sock feet. Another pleasure is taking my shoes off. Growing up in Thailand I’ve spent my life going barefoot inside (now with socks on) and the last six months I’m having to wear my shoes all day whether inside or out because of orthopedic inserts, and I’m chafing at having to do that. It feels unnatural to wear shoes inside and it makes my feet feel large, hot, and clumsy, so to sit down and pull my shoes off at the end of the day and then rub lotion into my feet feels so good.

(I’d better pay attention to my exit or I’m going to just keep driving and end up in Cincinnati somewhere.)

Feet in the oceanMuch of my trip to the beach last November was a physical pleasure. Sure, it fed my soul and spirit but the physicality of the sand under my feet, the breeze on my face, and the beauty before my eyes will stay with me for a long time.

(Darn it, I got off at the wrong exit. No harm done, I’m just right up the road from where I wanted to go, it just means a few extra red lights. And getting behind the school bus.)

Doesn’t it feel good to take your finger tips and massage your scalp?

I don’t know how anything can top a warmed-up bed on a cold winter’s night, unless it’s sitting and eating mocha-chip ice cream while reading a good book. And there’s the feel of a good haircut, or the cold, satisfying weight of a river rock in my hand… these things just downright feel good.

What I want to say is, let’s try to be aware of our physicality and all the ways that God has created us to be able to enjoy our humanity.

What is particularly delightful to you from your human perspective?


  1. CW June 9, 2018
    • Brenda June 9, 2018
  2. Bonnie May 16, 2018
    • Brenda May 17, 2018
  3. Charlene Elwood May 16, 2018
    • Brenda May 17, 2018

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