Old spiritual journals in a tub

I’ve started this twice and changed my mind so it’s a good thing I like new beginnings, lol. Sitting on my bed drinking coffee just now I asked Holy Spirit to show me something worth sharing. I decided to pull a notebook out of my tub of old spiritual journals and randomly open it. Holy Spirit can then use what’s in that entry to inspire me.

The journal entry I’ve turned to hurts my heart because it’s from July 15th, 2013, two weeks before Terry died. As I read the entry I’m lost as to what Holy Spirit has in mind because the entry is merely a dream about being back in Bangkok for a visit. In it I was wading through a pond, shopping, and going to the Dusit Zoo.

Well Holy Spirit, I think. I’m not sure what you have in mind here but this is not helpful. But then I read the last line of the entry…

“It reminds me why I have no desire to go back.”

Would you ever want to go back and relive any of your life? I don’t. I’ve heard people say, “If I could go back and live it from who I am now, I would.” Nope, I wouldn’t. My life has been packed with good stuff and I may live it the second time around a bit wiser, but it still isn’t worth it.

What about spiritually going back? I would imagine that no one wants to go back to where they have been spiritually, though some of us, including myself, have been known to wish we had the passion we had during a particular season. Yet I no longer even want that.

I may not have the burning fire of running after Jesus that I had many years ago but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my first love. It means that I have moved out of my dating (or newlywed) emotional fire and into a comfortable, two-shall-become-one relationship with him. It has its own unique fire and highs but they’re different now. I don’t want to be who I was in the past. “I have no desire to go back.”

A rear-view mirror

As this new year is beginning, think about what’s ahead. Consider what your relationship with Jesus is like now. Maybe you could write a description of where you currently are in your relationship and date it. Put a note on your to-do list for the end of the year to write another one. Then revisit this year’s to see how you’ve grown.

I’ve spent lots of money in the past on planners but they’ve never worked for me, just sitting empty all year. That’s because my daily life is done on my phone through my to-do list (Todoist), calendar (Google), and note apps (Zoho Notebook and Google Docs). However, I realized that what I need is a planner for accountability and motivation for the things that are important. Even though they’re more important to me than anything else, without deadlines or immediate consequences I don’t get around to them. This year I’m changing that by using a paper planner only for what matters to me.

I’m a minimalist so it can’t be too complicated or I won’t get around to it. I want to track my spiritual life and my writing. I’ll make the planner pretty, motivational, and suited to who I am.

I challenge you to look at this upcoming year and think about how you can grow in the things that matter. We all have a purpose that we were created for. In what ways can you spiritually grow in who you are in a greater way than you ever have before? How can you pursue Jesus differently?

A timer set on 20 minutes

A year ago this past March I decided that my gift to myself for my birthday month was 20 minutes a day with Jesus. That simple decision was life-changing and I’ve continued daily since then. I’m not legalistic about it, if life happens and I can’t, it’s okay. I always enjoy Jesus whatever I’m doing. I just make an effort to get it in daily when possible.

The things Jesus has shown me, the places I have gone, and the ways I have grown are beyond anything I could have dreamed of. I keep a minimal timeline each year of dreams and God-stuff so I never forget what he has done and shown me. I noticed a few days ago that for last year alone I have 50 pages. And that’s out of only 20 minutes a day!

It’s not limited to that time, the incredible things with Jesus haven’t only happened in those 20 minutes. I’ve discovered that by keeping my focus on him, the Kingdom realm has now begun breaking through and impacting me as I’m going about everyday life. Never underestimate what having time with Jesus can do.

What small step can you take to grow in Jesus this year? My planner is tangible evidence I’m moving towards what is important to me. What will be your “tangible evidence” this year? Jesus will take what we are willing to give and multiply it magnificently so don’t hesitate to walk into this year together with him. Listen for him to give you a verse or a subject for this new year as a guide. He has given me the verse below, and if it strikes a cord in you it’s a great one to use. And I must say, once again, “I have no desire to go back.”

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths”.
(Isaiah 2:3 & Micah 4:2)

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