Over time I’ve had many of you ask how I do my website or publish my books. I’ve decided to include a dedicated space here for you who want to begin sharing your creativity with the world. I have always been a word person, though I’ve spent lots of money and time trying my hand at drawing and painting (and I can’t resist those bright yellow sketch pads!). However, I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m embracing my words and letting go of my attempts at drawing.
I well remember that particular afternoon where I first realized I wasn’t cut out for drawing and painting. I was sitting on the picnic table in the gazebo on top of the hill at Million Park. I had my tiny, yellow sketch pad and was trying to draw a small bush nearby. It took thirty minutes. That was the “Aha” moment I accepted the fact that I have no patience for drawing.
There is plenty of information available on writing, publishing, blogging, and websites, plus technology and programs are constantly changing, so I’m focusing here on sharing the tools I use and how I do it. I’ve included a downloadable Word doc of my publishing checklist so you can see how I do mine and then customize it for yourself.
I hope you will put your pen to paper (literally or figuratively) and begin capturing your ideas, organizing them into coherent thoughts, and sharing them with us out here waiting to read them.